'O Earthquake! In the culprits and out the names High noon of fire and blood between honorable families In the market the violin sings the ballad of immunity, oh We want the ladrones, we want all their names Earthquake and solar eclipse The shutters listen to you Abandonment from sad story I'm scared ma and I want food Flowers and lead Blood to blood They were centuries centuries centuries ago Or maybe a moment a moment a moment a moment The thief, tell me who he is I want the name, I want the name The thief, tell me who he is I don't know anything, I don't know where, I can't tell who he is It's a parasite, a parasite The thief tell me where he is Midday the violin sings Here it is called fatality Fight the terror, try to give it a face and a name Earthquake of flowers and blood It's not hunger but ignorance that kills! Fight the terror, try to give it a face and a name But not a moment, a moment, a moment more, Because it's already too much, already too much, already too much The thief, tell me where he is I want the name, I want the name The thief, tell me who he is I don't know anything, I don't know where, I can't say who he is It's a parasite, a parasite The thief tell me where he is I want it here The thief, tell me where he is I want the name, I want the name The thief, tell me who he is I want it here The culprits are in, the names are out oh earthquake'. 'fuck honor and silence
text, watermark, low quality, worst quality, bad compostion, poor, low effort, child, childish, young, nude, nudity