The beauteous demon maidens have dropped their seductive guises, their once- lovely faces now contorted into masks of malice and hunger. Multiple eyes bulge, fangs are bared fully, and forked tongues lash out erratically. From the demons' gaping maws, glistening strands of thick webbing are rapidly expelled like endless streams of viscous silk. The sticky fibers whip through the air, crisscrossing and enveloping everything in their path. Amidst the chaos, the Spider Demons caper and scuttle about, their slender forms weaving deftly between the strands as they orchestrate the mass entrapment. Dripping fangs and compound eyes glisten with predatory glee at ensnaring their prey so completely. <lora:RMSDXL_Creative:1. 5> <lora:RMSDXL_Darkness_Cinema:1. 8> <lora:RMSDXL_Enhance:2. 6> <lora:takma2:0. 9>
nsfw, ((nipples)), naked, breasts, bras