<lora:Harrison Butker SDXL LoRA- Trigger is Butker Person:1>, Film scene showcasing butker person person, in a gladiator- style arena facing extraterrestrial beasts, under glaring stadium lights, taken from the crowd's perspective, revealing a universe's cruel entertainment. Template: <lora:Harrison Butker SDXL LoRA- Trigger is Butker Person:1> ${nme=butker person}, {Film scene showcasing ${nme} person, piloting a sleek spaceship through an asteroid field, under flashing warning lights, shot from a cockpit perspective, conveying a high- stakes space chase. |Movie moment with ${nme} person, in a post- apocalyptic cityscape, with eerie green lighting from an alien mothership, captured from a high vantage point, depicting a world under invasion. |Film scene starring ${nme} person, engaging in a laser sword duel on a floating platform, surrounded by a lava- filled planet, shot in slow- motion, exuding epic confrontation vibes. |Movie sequence featuring ${nme} person, leading a team in a stealth mission through a futuristic cyberpunk city, illuminated by neon holograms, captured in a tracking shot, conveying covert operations. |Film scene showcasing ${nme} person, in a high- tech lab, stopping a rogue AI takeover, under stark white LED lights, taken from a 360- degree angle, portraying a race against time. |Movie moment with ${nme} person, at the center of a zero- gravity fight in a space station, with emergency red lights flashing, shot in a continuous take, emphasizing the chaos of weightlessness. |Film scene starring ${nme} person, activating a time- travel device in a crowded square, under the distorted lighting of time ripples, captured from an overhead view, exploring the dangers of time manipulation. |Movie sequence with ${nme} person, navigating through a shifting maze with moving walls and deadly traps, under dynamic spotlighting, shot from both first- person and bird's- eye views, encapsulating suspense. |Film scene showcasing ${nme} person, escaping from an alien prison using improvised gadgets, with dim ambient lights from alien tech, taken in tight close- ups, highlighting ingenuity under pressure. |Movie moment featuring ${nme} person, racing on a hoverbike through a dense forest with laser beams trailing, under twilight's glow, captured in a high- speed chase camera, emphasizing the thrill. |Film scene starring ${nme} person, confronting a rogue android in a rain- soaked alley, under streetlights with a blue tint, shot in a wide- angle, depicting the blurred lines between human and machine. |Movie sequence with ${nme} person, infiltrating an underwater base guarded by biomechanical creatures, under deep- sea luminescent lighting, captured in panoramic views, showcasing the vastness of alien oceans. |Film scene showcasing ${nme} person, in a gladiator- style arena facing extraterrestrial beasts, under glaring stadium lights, taken from the crowd's perspective, revealing a universe's cruel entertainment. |Movie moment starring ${nme} person, in a mech suit, battling giant robots in a devastated city, under a fiery sky, shot from ground level, portraying the clash of titans. |Film scene with ${nme} person, negotiating an intergalactic treaty amidst an assassination attempt, with grandiose chandelier lighting, captured in sweeping shots, emphasizing diplomatic tension. |Movie sequence featuring ${nme} person, discovering an ancient alien relic, illuminated by its inner glow, shot in extreme close- up, revealing the power of ancient civilizations. |Film scene starring ${nme} person, in a frantic spacewalk repair during a meteor shower, with the darkness of space punctuated by stars, taken in wide shots, showcasing the vastness and danger of space. |Movie moment with ${nme} person, trapped in a virtual reality, battling digital dragons and warriors, under a simulated sun, captured from multiple angles, reflecting the blending of real and virtual. |Film scene showcasing ${nme} person, defending a space colony against an alien swarm, under the piercing lights of laser cannons, shot from an aerial view, depicting last stand heroics. |Movie sequence starring ${nme} person, navigating a collapsing starship into a wormhole, with fluctuating gravity and emergency lighting, captured in a rotating camera motion, embodying the unpredictability of space anomalies. }