Emotional full- length (/full- body) photograph, of ((1 man is clearly seen, (the man has (yellow jaundiced skin), is middle- aged, overweight, with a (round face) and (large bulging eyes), he has a very pronounced overbite, (short stubble around his mouth), and a small rounded nose, he has (3 side parted/ combed, strands of hair on his bald head), ((the man wears a (bright white collared shirt with short sleeves) and (blue pants)), he is seen standing beside an (old pink 1981 Impala which is in the photo), ((the man) and (the old pink 1981 Impala that is in the photo) are facing towards the viewer)), in the distant background behind the (old pink 1981 Impala) and the man there are (2 enormous gray nuclear power plant cooling towers)), ((evoke a very strong sense of hopelessness) and (resignment to a life of misery and struggle)), ((perfect composition (rule of thirds), (golden ratio), ((High contrast between light and dark areas), as well as (bold or saturated colors)), sharp focus, perfect exposure, ideal lighting, strong bokeh, bleak dystopian photograph, themes of existential dread, cinematic
watermark, low-quality, worst quality, signature, monochrome, 3d, censored, furry, animal, lores, worst quality, mosaic, painting, drawing, cartoon, airbrush, cgi look, anime, cartoon, Obscured face, Distorted face, Blurred face, Hidden face, Unrealistic face, undetailed face, out of frame, ignored subject