the atmosphere of a nightmare prophetic dream, place of eternal emptiness, a dark void space with a dimly lit dead otherworldly green- blue light in the center, light from above. European, Ukrainian ancient warrior, Cossack, with two crossed curved sabers in his hands, bare torso, wide trousers, wide belt, leather boots with pointed toes turned up, sullen threatening look from under his brows, drooping head, long moustache, on a bald head only a long strand of hair grows in the middle, prominent face, sharp cheekbones, thin but strong man, ((stripped to the waist, toned, thin, muscular body with scars, )) bare chest arms and shoulders, small cross hanging on neck, ((front view, bull body, pose with legs wide apart and arms down, )) threatening, emanations of strength and confidence, leader, hero, a strong wind blows away gray hair and fabric, leather belts, flintlock pistol on his belt and glass bottle with yellow glowing sparkling ether, around the bottle small opaque luminous volumetric clouds of etheric vapors swirl and curl into spirals, small sparkling particles of ethereal particles dance in the air illuminating the warrior with a warm light, mystical atmosphere, anxiety and deep horror, Ukrainian coat of arms, trident, (a dark, almost black background in which an evil presence lurks, a barely discernible silhouette of a chthonic evil monster god in the darkness in the background, )
dressed torso, horns, man with monster parts, beard, armor, shoulder pads, hood, clothes above the waist, a lot of hair on the head, cloak, cape,