bosstyle, Over- the- shoulder boss- style shot of a dark, menacing warrior standing against a colossal sandstorm- beast. The shot, from behind the warrior, showcases the cracked and shifting surface of his sand- formed armor, grains constantly moving as if alive. His twisted, jagged scimitar, formed from blackened obsidian and infused with glowing crimson veins, crackles with malevolent energy, casting an eerie red glow over his silhouette. The sword pulses with a dark, molten core of fire and sand, its light cutting through the thick haze of the swirling storm. Ahead of him, towering within the sandstorm, the sand- beast boss emerges. Its enormous body is composed of fierce, shifting dunes and skeletal remains of long- buried creatures, twisting and reshaping constantly. glow faintly with an ancient, cursed power. The creature’s hollow eyes glow with a deep, ominous orange. The battlefield is a storm of swirling sands and violent wind, the air thick with the howl of the storm. Massive gusts carry debris and bones, filling the air with a deafening roar. As the sandstorm intensifies, the beast lets out a guttural roar, sending shockwaves through the dunes. Over the warrior’s shoulder, his blade crackles with deadly energy, his stance unwavering as he prepares to face the enormous beast. The scene is a clash of titanic forces, set in the heart of a ravaging desert storm, with the battle teetering on the edge of an apocalyptic showdown