Five children are playing in a large garden under the warm and bright sunlight, surrounded by various toys and trees. The grass is lush and green, dotted here and there with small white and yellow daisies. In the distance, a few tall leafy trees cast cool shadows, creating a pleasant contrast of light and shade across the ground. The sky is a deep blue, completely clear, with the sun shining down evenly on the entire garden. The children are deeply absorbed in their activities, each one engaged in a different game, yet all in perfect harmony. Emma, around five years old, has blonde hair tied into two pigtails that bounce with every movement. She wears a blue dress with white flowers and runs barefoot on the grass, chasing a colorful rubber ball. The ball is yellow with red and blue details, bouncing unpredictably. Emma chases it with a bright, ringing laugh. Her blue eyes sparkle with excitement as she pauses occasionally to kick the ball, sending it flying forward again. Tommaso, six years old, is near the trunk of a large oak tree, building a small tower out of wooden blocks. He has short, dark brown hair and wears a green t- shirt with denim shorts. Focused and deep in concentration, Tommaso stacks the blocks carefully, his tongue poking out slightly in concentration. Now and then, he looks around proudly, calling out to the others to show off his creation. The sunlight filters through the branches of the oak, illuminating parts of his face and his wooden blocks, creating an intricate play of light and shadow that adds a magical touch to his work. Sofia, a little girl with black, curly hair, is playing nearby with a small doll. She wears pink overalls and a white t- shirt, her face lit up by a big smile as she pretends the doll is speaking, weaving fantastical stories. The doll is dressed in a lilac dress, with silky synthetic hair. Sofia makes the doll "walk" across the grass, mimicking its movements, and sometimes sits it next to her, as if it were a real friend. Her face glows under the sunlight, her brown eyes reflecting her joy. Luca, seven years old, is the eldest of the group and seems to lead the activities. He has brown, slightly tousled hair and wears a yellow shirt with blue shorts. At the center of the lawn, Luca is pulling a red toy truck with large black wheels, filling it with small stones and leaves that he finds around. Occasionally, he pauses to add more "cargo" to the truck, explaining to the others about his "important deliveries" in a solemn tone. His eyes betray the fun he’s having, while his sandals kick up the grass slightly with each step. Chiara, four years old, has long brown hair tied into a braid and wears a white dress with small red details. She sits on a swing that hangs from a sturdy branch of an old walnut tree. Chiara swings gently back and forth, smiling as the wind brushes her face, lifting a few strands of her hair. Next to the swing, a small blanket is spread out on the grass, with a few stuffed animals lined up as if they were watching her show. Chiara giggles each time she manages to swing higher, closing her eyes and letting the sun warm her. The trees surrounding the garden are tall and lush, providing pleasant shade that cools parts of the lawn. The oak tree, with its massive trunk and dense dark leaves, is the most imposing, with many of the children gathering beneath it when the sun gets too hot. The walnut tree, on the other hand, is more slender, and its branches create an intricate pattern against the sky, with its still- green fruits hanging beyond the children's reach. The garden is scattered with toys, including a small green wheelbarrow, a red bucket and shovel set for digging in the grass, and a yellow kite that lies lazily on the ground, yet to be flown. A blue tricycle is parked by the hedge, temporarily abandoned by one of the children in favor of other games. The sounds of the garden are filled with laughter, happy voices, and birds singing in the trees. The sun is high in the sky, shining brightly, but the heat is softened by the shade of the trees and the light breeze. The garden is a place of pure freedom, a small world where the children, without a care, can play freely, surrounded by nature and the comforting warmth of a summer day