"We sailed through the fog for an incalculable amount of time, for day and night were practically indistinguishable. When visibility began to finally improve, we found that we had emerged into a fjord- like network of waterways, that flowed between the ruins of a once great civilization. The ruins were not so far decayed as to diminish the scale of their grandeur, entire cities with bas relief detailing, formed by tunneling into mountainsides of the fjords, showcasing advancements in masonry that we could barely fathom. Though seemingly deserted, the place gave off the eerie feeling that we were constantly being watched, and once or twice I swear I saw a flicker of movement in my peripheral vision, as we sailed past the recessed archways that marked the ruins’ many moss- covered entrances. \" a scene inspired by the ruins of ancient valyria from game of thrones, as well as the landscapes present in the film kong skull island. additionally inspired by the emerald dream dimension of the chaos god yogg saron
nsfw, artist-signature,