A hyper- realistic fantasy portrait of a woman with striking foxy features. Her face is adorned with the pattern of a pretty Fox, blending seamlessly into her smooth, pale skin. The vivid yellow eyes are sharp and intense, framed by delicate, wispy eyelashes that add a surreal, otherworldly quality to her appearance. Her lips are bold and crimson red, contrasting sharply against the softness of her skin and the animalistic patterns around her face. The Fur of the fox stretch from her forehead down her neck, her arms and her back ending in a form of thick Fur Tail creating a mesmerizing blend of human and animal traits. The overall composition exudes an exotic and mysterious allure, with subtle hints of power and grace as she is posing by a tree in a vibrant jungle. She is standing like a warrior by the tree trunk and the foxy Fur is infused into her skin which looks chalky white front and foxy brown color on the rest of her body