a figure strongly built and with broad shoulder, though shorter than the average of men and now stooped with age, leaning on a thick rough- cut staff as he trudged along. Gandalf's hat was wide- brimmed [. ] with a pointed conical crown, and it was blue; he wore a long grey cloak, but this would not reach much below his knees. It was of an elven silver- grey hue, though tarnished by wear, arcane style, OverallDetail
Minors, ((misformed finger, misformed hand)), swimwear, disappearing hands, armor, artificial body parts, asian model, underware, bad anatomy, wrong anatomy, deformations, disfigured, unnatural mutations, bad anatomy, bad legs, bad feet, malformed limbs, extra limbs, missing limbs, floating limbs, disconnected limbs, disappearing arms, disappearing thigh, disappearing legs, long neck, abnormal legs, abnormal feet, abnormal fingers, abnormal eye proportions, squinting eyes, deformed iris, deformed pupils, cropped, poorly drawn face, skin spots, skin blemishes, age spots, acne, watermarks, censored, censor bars