a throne set in the sky and a figure seated on the throne. The face of the Seated One was stern and impassive, the eyes wide and glaring over a terrestrial humankind that had reached the end of its story; majestic hair and beard flowed around the face and over the chest. The crown on his head was rich in enamels and jewels, the purple imperial tunic was arranged in broad folds over the knees, woven with embroideries and laces of gold and silver thread. The left hand, resting on one knee, held a sealed book, the right was uplifted in an attitude of blessing or admonition. The face was illuminated by the tremendous beauty of a halo, containing a cross and bedecked with flowers, while around the throne and above the face of the Seated One I saw an emerald rainbow glittering. Before the throne, a sea of crystal flowed, and around the Seated One, beside and above the throne, I saw four awful creatures— the first was a man to the right of the Seated One, who held out a book. But on the other side there was an eagle I found horrifying, with beak agape, thick feathers, powerful talons, great wings outstretched. And at the feet of the Seated One, were a bull and a lion, each monster clutching a book between talons or hoofs, the body turned away from the throne, but the head toward the throne, serpentlike tails coiled and writhing, culminating, at the top, in tongues of flame. Both monsters were winged, both crowned by haloes