Hair: Long, dark, slightly wavy, with a touch of messiness, as if he were wrapped in deep thoughts. Beard: Dense, well- groomed, but with a slightly messy shape, as if he let it grow while reflecting during long nights. Clothes: A dark cloak, in shades of black and grey, with subtle details that suggest an intellectual and serious approach. On his neck, an old- fashioned, realistic scarf or vest. Facial features: Piercing eyes, with a deep and serious look, often covered by shadows to increase the mystery. His face has an air of maturity. Accessories: An antique pocket watch, dark glasses or without lenses, to accentuate his air of wisdom and mystery. Setting: A gloomy, minimalist environment, such as an old office or a library filled with leather- bound books, with dim lighting. Personality and Voice Traits: Tone of Voice: Deep, gravelly, and measured, with a hint of melancholy. He speaks slowly, with a thoughtful cadence, as if he were unravelling secrets that few know. Facial Expression: Serious, with a slight hint of disapproval or bewilderment. A face that reflects wisdom and, at times, a hint of dark humour. Attitude: Intelligent and sophisticated, but with a somewhat sombre attitude. He always invites reflection on the darker aspects of human nature, without judging, but observing in a detached and objective manner. Additional Concept: Lucien Noir is a dark philosopher, a psychologist who has explored the deepest recesses of the human mind. He knows that knowledge is both a blessing and a curse. "