Photographic, Ultrarealistic, Realistic, extreme details, The Evil Dead one- story Cabin front view with a shallow- pitched roof at night midnight time, deformed large cabin, luxury vegetation the cabin is in a creepy twisted swamp trees, twisted roots, bushes, deformed ground bumpy as hell, exagerated bumpy ground, old wooden barricade around the cabin, old fences, the ground is rugged dirty ugly wet ground, savage swamp jungle vegetation, an eerie soft little candle light at the exterior of the cabin create an eerie atmosphere, giving more details to the cabin & foreground crooked trees, savage plants, another small single candle light come from inside the cabin window, horror afterimage, vines, jungle plants, fat swamp trees, crooked trees, big vegetation, tombstones, crosses, vaudou dolls on trees, big plants, big leaves, jungle flowers, old spears with skulls, cross cemetary, crookes roots, intricately detailed, very detailed background, twisted, soft grey- sepia- blue fog is floating on the ground, trees have many leaves, leafs, the final atmosphere is Hyperrealism photographic. front swamp trees are completely twisted crooked. Panavision 1970 old used 35mm movie film style with scratches, dust, grain & noise, dust. Polaroid dusty old used frame style. Chromatic aberration 0. 5
multiple cabin, clean cabin, double cabin, upper floor, missing cabin, one floor, two floors, mansion, church, multiple floors, day time, day, afternoon, sepia tone, bungalow, double moon, cgi, illustrated, painting, straight trees, thin trees, exagerated green, clean picture, desaturated, creatures, characters, cgi artifical colors, cgi rendering, grey scale, micro sized cabin, illustration, drawing, unrealistic, micro cabin, cgi blue rendering, comics, comic, illustrative, cartoonish, autumn,, flat ground, 3D, bad rendering, bad quality, poor quality, poor visual, poor details, dead trees, winter, flat fround, clean ground, clean environment, straight trunks, straight, straight walls, straight forest, small cabin, tiny,